Tuesday, 29 June 2010

At least I enjoyed the drive

As you get older, do you find yourself doing weird things? Not concentrating on the task in hand? Not knowing what day it is, or what month for that matter? I'm sure it is an age thing.

I went to a knitting group tonight, a long way away - 60 miles round trip, when I got there the coffee shop was all locked up. Being my first visit my immediate thought was that I was in the wrong place but Amber's directions were so accurate. So I called Amber and got through to TGI Fridays - what is going on? Hm, must have entered the number incorrectly. So I called Collette and got her voice mail, left a message. Then BANG! Brain cells locked into gear - knitting club is Wednesday and not Tuesday!!!!! I just laughed, at myself by myself, passers by stared and then walked on - what an absolute twit.

Apart from that the day has been good. It was raining this morning and oh so welcome. The humidity was lower and the day had a fresher feel to it. The forecast says it will feel fresher this week, I am so looking forward to that. Perhaps sleep will not be interrupted as often if the nights are less hot.

I took London to the library for Story time and activities and it was really good, she enjoyed it. Lots of other ladies there too but I don't want to appear like a stalker so I will give it a couple of visits before I start muscling in on potential friends.

Chris has installed a garden flap for the dogs so we no longer have to remember to let them out for frequent potty visits. This is an Americanism, they all refer to their dogs pooping as going to the potty.

Just over 1 week until my visitors arrive, whoop whoop.

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Hallelujah for Good Neighbours

No I have not been converted to the Bible side. I left behind fantastic neighbours and that was hard but I just had to post tonight to say how great my new neighbours are. Tom on one side brought round some newly picked husks of sweetcorn and Barb the other side sent round some watermelon..............isn't that nice.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

In at the deep end.

Meet Londyn, my new charge. 20 months old and no trouble at all. We are getting on like a house on fire, there was no settling in period as she decided that she liked me from the offset. Good thing too as she was with me for almost 11 hours today! Her mum had to travel afar for an appointment and was held up. I did have the option of sending her to a nursery but I thought that wouldn't be fair on the little soul. So far so good.

Chris and I managed a game of golf yesterday. Only at one of the municipal courses which wasn't in the best of nick but good enough for us as we hadn't played for 2 months. No bunkers, that made me happy. We were both a bit rusty to start but got better as we went on. We had to stop half way round for refreshments as we were so hot and sweaty, even though we had a buggy. We are looking at options to join a club.

I went to a knitting group last night with my new best friends, Amber & Collette. I really like Amber, she is a social butterfly networking us newbies. I met Collette through Amber, she is really nice too and like me has only just arrived in LR. Unfortunately Amber is moving away in October so our time together is limited but Collete will be her for the same 3 years as me. We are planning on getting together on Saturday, husbands too and her 2 children aged 2 & 5. It will be nice if we can all strike up a friendship.

It is getting hotter here, 96 degrees today, this is the hottest it has been. I hear that the autumn is the best part of the year with all the trees changing colour. I am looking forward to that.

It was bizarre at Amber's BBQ last Saturday. We grilled outside, ate inside then when the sun went down sat outside round a fire pit in 85 degrees of heat and humidity! The circle of chairs got ever wider but at least it kept some of bugs away.

Washington pics here

If the link doesn't work cut and past and hopefully that will work.

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Who would have believed it?

Least of all me! I am a child minder, yes me. I would never had thought in a million years that I would be looking after a child and getting paid for it.

It happened in a kinda round about way, turns out our landlord dropped a very heavy hint to Chris that they were struggling to find someone to look after their 2o month old daughter Londyn. He was really fishing to see if I would be interested. My initial though was absolutely not but when I got thinking about it it sounded like quite a good idea. You see, this may be a way of meeting other people, I have already taken her to the book store for story time. There weren't any prospective friends there but I will go again. It gives me structure to my day. 3 days per week, 2-3 weeks per month from 8am - 5pm.

We are getting on famously, she is a sweet little thing and sleeps for 3 hours of the day. This gives me time to recharge my batteries. I take my hat off to child minders, it is hard work. She doesn't cry much and follows me around like a shadow. She loves the dogs, they are small compared to her Labrador.

I need to get my membership to the pool sorted and we can spend some time down there. She doesn't stop me doing anything I want to do either, she is young enough not to grumble about shopping. If I want to do some gardening she wants to help out too. In fact what ever I do she wants to help. Bonus factor is pocket money for me me me :-)

Our new furniture is starting to arrive. We now have our PC on a proper desk and no longer on the kitchen table, in the meantime the kitchen table will become our patio furniture.

We are off to a BBQ in Cabot on Saturday, this is the dry state but fear not Amber does like to have a tipple or two, so there will be alcohol. We might even meet some new friends. I have to be patient, we have only been here 5 minutes but I need some friends like my friends back home.

Chris has been working weird hours again this week and he has been busy with paperwork. We haven't quite got ourselves sorted with a social life yet, we must work on this as I believe this will be my life line.

I have some pics from our weekend in Washington which I am hoping to post soon.

Really looking forward to Sib, Jasey and Morgy coming over (translated Sally Anne, Jack & Morgan !) We are having a night in Memphis which will be nice as it will be new to us too. Only 4 weeks away now - the time is flying.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Millie's New Friend - or Foe?

She barked and barked so I had to go outside to see what the fuss was. Here's what I found, a rather annoyed terrapin. I think it must have nipped her, she was pawing at it and barking incessantly. I brought her indoors to give the little thing a chance to escape.

Ciara is also having a great time now that we have found a lake that she can swim in. She's got a new friend too, Sugar, the Labrador. She is our Landlord's and we were looking after her for a couple of nights. She does get a bit boisterous when she is playing and Ciara is not too keen on this behaviour. However, she will fight her to the death to get the ball first and she is a better swimmer than Sugar - that's my girl.