Sunday, 7 November 2010


Well I promised some 'Fall' photos and here they are. These were taken in Branson, Missouri where we spent a few days with our dear friends K & E who were visiting from the UK. Branson is just north of the AR state line. We hit the optimum time for the trees turning and it was a breath-taking drive up through the mountains.

We are definitely in Arkansas. Repeat after me, 'There's no place like home, there's no place like home.......remind you of anything? Yes, tornado's. We had our first tornado warning, oh my! Our poor visitors were trembling in their red glitter shoes, especially K. It was a bit disconcerting, this weird noise comes through the TV telling you to turn to channel 18 for a severe weather warning. Initially it said a severe thunder storm was on its way. No big deal, more wine and nachos please ;-) Within minutes the warning had turned to an approaching tornado. When this happens you have to go to the most internal part of the house and wait. The warning was in place for 30 minutes so off we went into the centre of the house. Next, the tornado alarm which is somewhere outside starts going and it sounds like a WW2 siren. My poor dog starting whining along with alarm. She was so traumatised, poor pup. It turned out to be pretty tame where we were with no damage but a roof came off a building down town. Then to top it all we had another tornado warning in Branson but that one didn't materialise. We are considering banning K&E from visiting!

So I've busted my back again - this is rubbish as I was enjoying my new active lifestyle. I can't run, Zumba or belly dance any more and even walking can be painful. I was hoping it would sort itself out but that doesn't appear to be the case. I had an ambition to be here for 3 years without seeing a Doctor, that one is going up the Swanney without a paddle. I have resigned myself to the fact that I need to seek medical attention to sort me out, blah! However, this does not affect my role as A Lady Who Lunches. An activity that is becoming an essential part of life. Every Monday, a different restaurant, same friends, a glass of wine and maybe a pedicure's a hard life but someone has to do it.

I'm getting more involved with my dog charity. C and I helped out at a charity event last night to raise funds. It was quite a large affair that consisted of a silent and open auction held in one of the premier hotels. C thoroughly enjoyed it and we met some new people. I am also about to become an official Dog Walking 101 trainer. I will instruct new volunteers how to handle the dogs and ensure they know all the rules and regs that apply. I have met a new friend who also volunteers, she's nice and we are planning on having dinner together and introduce the other half's (halves??).

Thankfully I can still cycle and we met this little chap whilst out one day. Apparently they are six a penny here but this is the first time C and I have come across one in the wild. The locals say they are dumb and you usually find them flattened at the road side. This makes sense as this little guy walked right in front of our bikes and didn't flinch at us watching him. They don't have great eye sight and their hearing isn't too good either. My brother said it is a rat wearing a crash helmet. I like him, the Armadillo I mean not my brother, although I quite like my bro too.

We are taking a road trip next week. The Americans drive for ever and don't think anything of driving for days to get to their destination. We are going to San Antonio, Texas for a very long weekend. It is about a 10 hour drive which we will split over 2 days. We would have considered flying but we are taking our pooches with us and driving is a good way to see the land. It should be a good weekend. Thanksgiving is on the 25th and we have been invited to spend it with friends and experience it the way it is intended to be spent. Lots and lots of food and drink - what is a gal to do? Do as the locals do. Hangover the next day I expect. I have volunteered to provide home cooked apple pie. I'm nervous now as the pie is a staple for Thanksgiving, I hope mine's is up to standard.

Less than 7 weeks until we are back in the UK; we are both really looking forward to spending time with our friends and family. I hope you are ready for us!