- Caught up with family and friends
- Had a brilliant Christmas and New Year
- Visited my old work place and caught up with my lovely colleagues
- Ate way too much
- Drank more than way too much
- Slept in 7 beds
- Forgot to exercise
- Remembered to stay on the left side while driving
What I Learned
- Home is where you lay your hat
- Good bed pillows are vitally important
- Hanging around airports waiting for planes that aren't going anywhere sucks
- It also snows in Arkansas
- Missed my dogs a lot
- I am an ambidextrous driver...is there such a thing?!
- Little Rock is a lovely place to live and I realise that I have been given a great opportunity
- I miss Indian food
- Yarn shops are much better in Bristol than Little Rock
- Too much alcohol isn't good for me
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